
On this page you will find summaries of reports that connect to the BASTA system. They can provide guidance for those who want to know more about how you can use the BASTA system in new construction.


Build with BASTA (In Swedish)

The key to non-toxic construction is to choose building and construction products with a minimized content of hazardous chemical substances. By building in a responsible way, profits are created both for the environment and for the economy.

You can find a description of the construction process with regard to quality criteria, ambition levels and roles in the report "Building with BASTA", a project carried out by the IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, BASTAonline, Skanska and the Swedish Transport Administration. The target group for the report is actors in the building and construction sector who want to increase their knowledge of non-toxic construction.

This is a final report from the development project "Building with BASTA" carried out by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, Basta, Skanska and the Swedish Transport Administration. The report presents results and experiences from the project. The target group for the report is actors in the building and construction sector who want to increase their knowledge of non-toxic construction.

Three pilot projects have formed the core of the "Building with BASTA" project and formed the basis for other work packages; Riksväg 49, Operational area Nordvärmland, as well as a garage building at Nya Karolinska in Solna. For the construction projects, projects where the Swedish Transport Administration's requirements for materials and goods according to TDOK 2012:22 and TDOK 2012:93 were included in the contract.

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Report B2237

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Target levels and verification

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Guidance Document

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Workflow for product selection

Informs about how you, as a developer or contractor, can set requirements for safe materials in construction projects


Copper in building products (In Swedish)

In a report carried out by the IVL Swedish Environmental Institute on behalf of BASTAonline, it is found that in certain watercourses and soils there are elevated levels of copper in the environment compared to limit values. This cannot be said to be a general problem but varies across the country depending on many different factors.

Copper is released into the environment from several sources, with the largest general source of spread to air being traffic due to copper in brake linings, and the largest general sources to water being sewage treatment plants and the pulp and paper industry. Spread from construction products such as water pipes and copper material in facades and roofs often occurs via sewage and stormwater.

One conclusion from the report is that BASTAonline, which is a national system, currently sees no reason to limit copper in construction products. In environments with elevated copper levels, there may be reason to locally review restrictions on copper content in construction products.

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Overview copper – Copper in building products

No C 269

Dec 2017


Product selection of tap water fittings (In Swedish)

Product selection of tap water fittings, fittings, valves, bends and tees for potable water applications made in lead-containing copper alloys such as brass.

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Product selection of tap water fittings

NO B 2259

Jun 2016

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Guidance for deviation management

IVL Rapport No B 2259-S

May 2016


Guidance for floor and wall coverings

Guidance for deviation management regarding product selection for PVC floor and wall coverings containing DINP DIDP.

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Guidance for floor and wall coverings

May 2016


Guidance endocrine disruptors

Guidance document for handling criteria for endocrine disruptors in the construction industry.

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Guidance endocrine disruptors

Report No. B 2369

Jan 2020