Digital tools — for sustainable product choices

Open article database with over 180,000 environmentally assessed articles
In our database you will find over 180,000 building and construction products that achieve one of the BASTA system's grades. The database is open for anyone to search.

Document and follow up product selection in construction and civil engineering projects
Our log book service focuses on traceability and digitisation with direct connections to FINFO, CCBuild and eBVD.

Integrate BASTA's article data into your services
Connect your own tools and databases to BASTA to always have correct and updated information about an article's status from the BASTA system. The integration is free of charge.

Register articles
By connecting your company to the BASTA system, you can increase the market exposure of your products and easily show which criteria the product fulfills. BASTA's grades ensure that you can participate in procurement's, meet requirements for Miljöbyggnad and demonstrate active health and environmental work.