New fees for 2016

The BASTA-system is introducing a new differentiated pricing system for 2016!

Published 15 Oct 2015

The BASTA system has used a pricing model where all affiliated suppliers pay the same annual fee independent of the number of registered articles.

This has been an attractive system for suppliers with a larger number of registered products, but less advantageous for the suppliers with only a small number of registered articles.

From the 1 of January 2016 BASTAonline will start using a differentiated pricing model as well as raising the annual fee from 15 000 SEK (excl. VAT) to 18 000 SEK (excl. VAT).
The differentiated pricing model is as follows:
Number of articles                                 Annual fee*>17 million SEK turnover       Annual fee*< 17 million SEK turnover
>10 articles                                              18 000                                                              15 000
4- 10 articles                                            12 000                                                              10 000
1-3 articles                                                 6 000                                                                5 000

*All the fees shown are excluding VAT

In order to take advantage of the reduced fees BASTA requires that all articles are registered with a valid Article number or alternatively an article number and GTIN. We will not accept series, product groups or a merger of items. Nevertheless, series, product groups and mergers may still be used for registration, but you will then be charged the full annual fee independent of the number of registered articles/products.

Further information can be found in New differentiated pricing model – 2016.

To register your products in the BASTA-system, click here…