
Here you can download our logos and symbols. Make sure to use them correctly according to our guidelines which you can find here on the page under "Terms of Use".

For those who want to promote their sustainable product choices

Graphic guidelines (Swedish)

Do you want to show the rating level of your products or that you are affiliated with BASTA? Our graphic guidelines provide examples, tips and marketing guidelines.


If you want to show that your company is connected to BASTA, use our ready-made sticker templates. The QR code leads the reader to the company page here on the BASTA website.

When you have downloaded the Sticker and your QR code, you can open the sticker file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and click on the place where the QR code should be inserted and then select your downloaded QR code. Then just save the sticker and start using it.

Read the BASTA graphic manual to see how you can use the badges.

The BASTA-system

Logos - BASTA-system


The BASTA system logo is available in portrait and landscape format.

Companies connected to the BASTA system have the right to refer to their registered products as being registered in the BASTA system and meeting one of the BASTA system's grades or product groups in:

  • Documentation
  • Direct connection to the product (for example, on shelf edges)
  • Annual report of the company
  • In other types of media

In text, it may only be stated that the company is connected to and has products registered in the BASTA system. Companies that have joined the BASTA system have the right to use BASTAonline AB's trademarks, for the BASTA system, grades, and product groups, in accordance with BASTA's graphic profile.

Companies connected to the BASTA system do not have the right to use or register a trademark, article/product name or company that can be confused with BASTAonline's trademarks.

The BASTA system logo is available in portrait and landscape format.

Download logo-package (zip)

Retailers & Webshops

Companies that are not connected to the BASTA system but that sell products registered in the BASTA system, for example the building materials trade and other interested parties, may display registered products in store (physical or digital) by marking them with the BASTA system's logos on shelves or in the Web store.

Contact us for more information.


Logos - Grades



Symbols are available in portrait and landscape format for the BASTA system's five grades and the product group ELECTRONICS.

Companies connected to the BASTA system have the right to refer to their registered products as being registered in the BASTA system and meeting one of the BASTA system's grades or product groups in:

  • Documentation
  • Direct connection to the product (for example, on shelf edges)
  • Annual report of the company
  • In other types of media

If products are marketed as registered in the BASTA system, the following two formulations must be used:

”Product name” is registered in the BASTA-system and fulfils the grade XXXX.

”A registration in the BASTA-system means that we can verify that this product meets the BASTA-systems criteria for the specific grade. See for more information about the systems criteria and the product’s current registration status.

If the trademarks are misused, the following actions will be taken:

  • Correction of usage will be required within a given timeframe. The length of the time frame will be assessed and set depending on the type of misuse and extent
  • Checks will be carried out on an ongoing basis to ensure that the incorrect use of the trademarks has been corrected or ceased

Companies may not claim that the articles/products are environmentally friendly or equivalent, as the BASTA system does not take into account other environmental aspects such as lifespan, energy performance, etc.

Retailers & Webshops

Companies that are not affiliated but that sell products registered in the BASTA system, for example the building materials trade and other interested parties, may display registered products in store (physical or digital) by marking them with the BASTA system's logos on shelves or in the Web store. Contact us for more information.Versioner av logotypen

Versions of the logo

The BASTA system's grade logos are available in two versions, one portrait and one landscape, preferably the landscape version should be used. In the landscape version, the name of the grade is highlighted more than the BASTA system logo. There may be situations where a vertical logo is preferable for readability.

The BASTA system grade levels (symbols) are available in portrait and landscape format.

Download logo-package (zip)

Poster - Companies connected to BASTA

We have produced a poster that you as an company connected to the BASTA-system can use in your marketing.

It is a poster where you can insert the QR code for your own company page. You can download your unique QR code via your company page, which you can find via our search function or company register

The poster is available in three formats

When you have downloaded the Poster and your QR code, you can open the poster file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and click on the place where the QR code should be inserted and then select your downloaded QR code. Then just save the poster and start using it.

See an example to the right.

Reference to the BASTA system

If information about a product's criteria fulfillment is used without showing the rating level, reference must be made to the information coming from the BASTA system by using the "POWERED BY BASTA" logo or linking to that product's own article page.

Brief introduction to the BASTA system

If you want to write about or refer to the BASTA system, we have prepared a short text here as inspiration.

"The BASTA system is an environmental assessment system with the aim of phasing out substances with hazardous properties from building and construction products. The system is aimed at anyone who wants help to make informed product choices. The assessment of the products is carried out by the manufacturers, as they have the best knowledge of product content. BASTAonline AB then conducts regular audits of connected companies to ensure quality.

Depending on which of BASTA's criteria for environmental and health hazards are met, the product receives one of the following grades: BASTA, BETA or DECLARED. Information about connected companies and registered products is freely available for all to see at On our website, each product has a unique page where the grade together with information about which criteria are met are displayed, on these pages there is also information about optional criteria areas and the connection to building certifications."